Homeschooling. Daycare. Adult child. Teen. Preschoolers. Gradeschoolers. Working out. Eating right. Friendships. Reaching out. Growing spiritually. Shrinking physically. Marriage. Finances. Lack of finances. Down time. On time. There's so much to talk about. There's so much to think about. Even each topic carries with it layers to get lost in. Where to start?
I have never even followed a blog myself.
My hope is that you are like me though. It is always better for my heart when I have someone acknowledge that they've "been there" before. You know what I mean. You aren't crazy. Someone else has felt lost, lonely, frustrated, tired, weary, just like you!
There are those of us who really are doing the best we can to be a Mary and sometimes slip into being a Martha, not just of housework, but of life work - that is, those things that make up the day to day living. We can easily loose sight of Jesus and it becomes just something we do. That's when we can get off track. Been there lately?
Let's walk together.
I promise it's a place where being real is really the place to be. Let's bring it back to Jesus. Together.
A felt board representation of "doing it together". Notice the sun shining |
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